Michigan DP Davis Interviews SP Nominees on Five Important Questions for Our LCMS Future

DP Davis Asks Nominees Five Important Questions

Last month, Michigan District President David Davis invited all five candidates for Synod President to share their responses to five “big issue” questions facing the LCMS in a video interview.  Two nominees, Rev. Dr. Pat Ferry and Nebraska DP Richard Snow, accepted the invitation.  You can watch their full 20-minute interviews by clicking here for Pat Ferry and here for Richard Snow.

DP Davis’ questions are essential for all of us to consider.  Click on the time links below to skip right to Pat Ferry’s and Richard Snow’s responses.

  1. Why did you let your name stand for election — and what is your hope for the LCMS?  (see minute 1:32 for Ferry’s response and minute 0:57 for Snow’s reaction)
  2. How would you increase the supply of pastors and commissioned workers needed to serve our churches?  (minute 4:45 for Ferry and minute 4:42 for Snow)
  3. How can we better serve young people in our congregations and communities?  (7:49 for Ferry and 7:44 for Snow)
  4. What do you believe is the future of our Concordias, and how can they better collaborate?  (10:42 for Ferry and 12:09 for Snow)
  5. There is an ongoing contraction in congregations.  How do you see the LCMS moving forward in its mission here in America?  (16:09 for Ferry and minute 17:10 for Snow)

Because Our Choice Is Important

With the election of a new Synod President approaching in just a few days, wise and thoughtful electors – the pastor and one layperson from each congregation — will want to review these crucial 20-minute video interviews as they decide who they will support for Synod President.

Our Synod can be thankful that men allow their names to stand for such an election.  There is so little information available regarding our nominees other than the incumbent.  We can also thank Michigan DP Davis for these thoughtful interviews.  One can only wish the other nominees would have chosen to participate in such an interview.

Now Is Our “Need To Know” Time

Sometimes secrets are shared on a “need to know” basis.  With the challenges facing our LCMS, this is a “need to know” time.  Those voting in the presidential election (which starts this weekend) need to know more about their choices.

If you are not a voter in the first ballot for the election for Synod President June 17-20, please share this email or post with your pastor and lay voter.  If you are an elector, ensure you have received your login information for the electronic vote.  Contact the LCMS Secretary’s office if you have not already received your information in the mail.

Keep watching Our Congregations – Our Synod for candidate updates.  As the election moves from one ballot to the next, Our Congregations – Our Synod will feature more comments from the remaining candidates.

Why Should We Consider Changing Leadership?

This is an important time for our Synod as a call for new leadership is indicated.  The LCMS is in a precipitous decline, hastened by the current administration’s actions.  We face a predicted pastor and church worker crisis, first announced almost 20 years ago.  Three Concordias have closed in just the past few years – and another chose a different governance model to fulfill its mission more effectively.  Last-minute changes to the 7-03 proposal are just now being shared.  We are known as a Synod more for who and what we are against than who we are for — or, instead, Who is for us.  Report after report raises more fear than inspires hope.  And, for the first time, news of disunity in the LCMS has moved beyond Christianity Today and into Rolling Stone.

We Still Have the Power to Change the World

As a Synod, we have no clear strategic direction or plan to reach our lost neighbors, our communities, and the world with the message of Jesus.  The same Holy Spirit is alive in us that caught up the disciples on Pentecost and beyond.  They reached the world with the message of Jesus’ love “first in Jerusalem, then in Judea, then in Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth.”

Veteran leaders believe it’s time for a change.  Hundreds of congregations made nominations calling for a change of leadership.  The question all of us must answer is simple:

“We’ve worked all night, and our nets are empty.  There’s someone calling from the shore to try something else.  Is it time to ‘throw our nets on the other side of the boat?’ Is it time for new leadership and a fresh perspective that prizes hope over fear and has a positive plan with a proven track record of leading people and growing an organization toward a goal?”

Both Pat Ferry and Richard Snow fit the bill.  Listen to their interviews.  Please share them with others.

It’s time for a change.


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