Leaders and delegates coming to our Milwaukee convention will have to decide if they want to talk, listen, and reconcile — or fight, denounce, and condemn.

Leaders and delegates coming to our Milwaukee convention will have to decide if they want to talk, listen, and reconcile — or fight, denounce, and condemn.
7-03 calls for CTX to repent. After hearing the story from both sides, delegates should vote for everyone to repent and resolve the CTX issue.
Nebraska DP Snow reports Harrision’s “It’s Time” had some good ideas. He explains how to put that unfulfilled vision into practice…in deed.
This week veteran leaders in the LCMS sent an open letter to the LCMS asking for new leadership. Their letter gives solid reasons for change.
Sunday at midnight is the registration deadline. Unless you register, others will make the choice for you.
March 19 is the registration deadline. Unless you register, your congregation cannot participate in the Synod election. Others will make the choice for you.
In the LCMS struggle with the choice governance structure, this essay supports the historical and Scriptural governance: Synod serves congregations.
Pat Ferry’s 2022 Commencement Speech: We can’t accomplish Luther’s “Here I stand” without also following Jesus Christ’s command to “Go”
Nebraska DP Richard Snow reports on the results of regional unity meetings. His leadership will help us be a “People of Hope for This Time.”
Newman reports the CTX leaders are committed to the confession of the LCMS. Their recent vote is about governance, not leaving.