Wise and thoughtful voters will want to review these 20-minute video interviews to help determine who will best serve the LCMS as President.

Wise and thoughtful voters will want to review these 20-minute video interviews to help determine who will best serve the LCMS as President.
Nebraska DP Snow reports Harrision’s “It’s Time” had some good ideas. He explains how to put that unfulfilled vision into practice…in deed.
Nebraska DP Richard Snow reports on the results of regional unity meetings. His leadership will help us be a “People of Hope for This Time.”
Nebraska DP Snow collected leaders from all “sides” of the LCMS to build worker healthy relationships and healthy churches. Good leaders lead.
COP elects Lee Hagan and Richard Snow as leaders, providing a renewed emphasis on utilizing the God-given diversity of gifts to His Church, a focus on Word-directed decision-making, and collegiality. Their leadership vision reflects it.