Resolution 5-08 affirms in-person communion by condemning the practice of “online” communion. 5-13 asks for conversation about technology and worship.

Resolution 5-08 affirms in-person communion by condemning the practice of “online” communion. 5-13 asks for conversation about technology and worship.
Have the BNM and BIM followed the Bylaws and assessed and evaluated the effectiveness of Synod’s triennial mission and ministry emphases?
Resolution 10-07 supports CCM Opinion 22-2980 and pits the rights and needs of two calling congregations and a pastor against one another.
Resolution 4-02 funnels ministry emphases from Synod boards TO congregations instead of receiving and coordinating them FROM congregations.
Resolution 2-06 responds to a request from President Harrison to create an “international circuit” for congregations the LCMS plants on foreign soil.
9-13 denies delegates the opportunity to change bylaws about overruling CCM opinions, officer tenure, and create a way to talk about controverted issues.
Moving the Synod President election back to the convention will re-politicize the convention. You can register electors at district conventions again.
9-08 calls for greater participation of nonvoting advisory delegates. It also creates a novel office for lay people of “hearers of the Word.”
7-05 creates a new bylaw for the appointment and removal of Board of Regent. Sadly, removal may be based on accusation, not proof.
7-03 calls for CTX to repent. After hearing the story from both sides, delegates should vote for everyone to repent and resolve the CTX issue.