Have the BNM and BIM followed the Bylaws and assessed and evaluated the effectiveness of Synod’s triennial mission and ministry emphases?

Have the BNM and BIM followed the Bylaws and assessed and evaluated the effectiveness of Synod’s triennial mission and ministry emphases?
Resolution 10-07 supports CCM Opinion 22-2980 and pits the rights and needs of two calling congregations and a pastor against one another.
Resolution 4-02 funnels ministry emphases from Synod boards TO congregations instead of receiving and coordinating them FROM congregations.
Resolution 2-06 responds to a request from President Harrison to create an “international circuit” for congregations the LCMS plants on foreign soil.
9-13 denies delegates the opportunity to change bylaws about overruling CCM opinions, officer tenure, and create a way to talk about controverted issues.
Moving the Synod President election back to the convention will re-politicize the convention. You can register electors at district conventions again.
9-08 calls for greater participation of nonvoting advisory delegates. It also creates a novel office for lay people of “hearers of the Word.”
7-05 creates a new bylaw for the appointment and removal of Board of Regent. Sadly, removal may be based on accusation, not proof.
7-03 calls for CTX to repent. After hearing the story from both sides, delegates should vote for everyone to repent and resolve the CTX issue.
7-01 and 7-02 give thanks for two more closed Concordias. Are other Concordias in danger of closing? What’s happening with the HotChalk lawsuit?