Sunday at midnight is the registration deadline. Unless you register, others will make the choice for you.

News from and about our Synod
Sunday at midnight is the registration deadline. Unless you register, others will make the choice for you.
March 19 is the registration deadline. Unless you register, your congregation cannot participate in the Synod election. Others will make the choice for you.
Our Congregations — Our Synod thanks President Harrison for making a strong statement denouncing racist, “alt-right” agitators in the LCMS.
Christianity Today reports on the controversy that’s arisen regarding the publication of Luther’s Large Catechism.
We are thankful President Harrison heeded the wise counsel of those calling him to uphold our bylaws and finally stood up to mobbing in our Synod.
Pat Ferry’s 2022 Commencement Speech: We can’t accomplish Luther’s “Here I stand” without also following Jesus Christ’s command to “Go”
The deadline for submitting nominations for Synod President and all the Vice Presidents is February 28. Your action now will bless the LCMS.
Nebraska DP Richard Snow reports on the results of regional unity meetings. His leadership will help us be a “People of Hope for This Time.”
Our Congregations — Our Synod applauds the COP’s open session conversation about CTX. Synod’s BOD could learn from this. Executive sessions don’t build understanding, support of Synod members, and trust. Transparency does.
Nebraska DP Snow collected leaders from all “sides” of the LCMS to build worker healthy relationships and healthy churches. Good leaders lead.