COP elects Lee Hagan and Richard Snow as leaders, providing a renewed emphasis on utilizing the God-given diversity of gifts to His Church, a focus on Word-directed decision-making, and collegiality. Their leadership vision reflects it.

COP elects Lee Hagan and Richard Snow as leaders, providing a renewed emphasis on utilizing the God-given diversity of gifts to His Church, a focus on Word-directed decision-making, and collegiality. Their leadership vision reflects it.
As the LCMS experiences loss after loss, CUWAA shows what happens when institutions teach and live their Lutheran faith – and act like it.
On late Friday afternoon, February 8, 2019, Matthew C. Harrison publicly admitted interfering in Synod’s Presidential nomination process. What did Harrison do wrong? He tainted Synod’s nomination process by giving wrong advice to pastors about who could nominate him, and he did so at Synod expense.
Many observe that the LCMS experiences polar swings in leadership each decade. We need a leader who will bring unity to our Synod by fully embracing both our confessional and our missional values.
Pastor Anthony Steinbronn, President of the New Jersey District, opposes the movement of our Synod toward a church Martin Luther opposed 500 years ago, where all authority is centered in one person and others are authorized to maintain control using the traditions of men rather than the Word of God…ALONE.
There is deep disappointment throughout our Synod at the closure of our only historically black college, Concordia College, Selma, AL. It is especially sad recalling that recently-elected COP Chairman, David Maier, led a team preventing the closure of Ann Arbor just nine years ago. The difference? Leadership.
The news these days from Synod headquarters is that further decline is imminent: mission properties sold to help the financial distress; Synod universities will be shed. This is a nightmare for Synod. New leadership can and will bring a renewed Bible-based, Gospel-centered future for Synod.
Sadly, our Synod is moving toward a greater centralization of power. Despite the LCMS being historically a Synod of congregations bound together by a common confession and walking in love, we are more and more ruled by an administration in the International Center bent on control. If we resign ourselves to a Synod with centralized control, we will never have freedom from fear as workers in the harvest, freedom from church-political agendas that limit the Gospel — and we will never be free to be the Church our Lord has called us to be, nor fulfill His commission for us as followers of Jesus.