Our Congregations — Our Synod applauds the COP’s open session conversation about CTX. Synod’s BOD could learn from this. Executive sessions don’t build understanding, support of Synod members, and trust. Transparency does.
Tag: Executive Sessions
Newman: CTX Leaders are Committed to the Confession of the LCMS
Newman reports the CTX leaders are committed to the confession of the LCMS. Their recent vote is about governance, not leaving.
Congregations Need Truth and Light from Synod Leadership
Read Pastor Timothy Klinkenberg’s letter to his congregation about the need for “Truth and Light” in our Synod. Maier and Klinkenberg’s nominations totaling 57.4% of all nominations show of support for a change in leadership far greater than Harrison’s support for re-election. Synod is saying: “It’s time for openness and truthfulness in our Synod leadership.”