Leaders and delegates coming to our Milwaukee convention will have to decide if they want to talk, listen, and reconcile — or fight, denounce, and condemn.

Leaders and delegates coming to our Milwaukee convention will have to decide if they want to talk, listen, and reconcile — or fight, denounce, and condemn.
7-03 calls for CTX to repent. After hearing the story from both sides, delegates should vote for everyone to repent and resolve the CTX issue.
Our Congregations — Our Synod applauds the COP’s open session conversation about CTX. Synod’s BOD could learn from this. Executive sessions don’t build understanding, support of Synod members, and trust. Transparency does.
Newman reports the CTX leaders are committed to the confession of the LCMS. Their recent vote is about governance, not leaving.
Texas District acts to foster fraternal dialogue on important matters of doctrine and practice and responds to the 7-03 proposal.
As the LCMS experiences loss after loss, CUWAA shows what happens when institutions teach and live their Lutheran faith – and act like it.
Congregations Matter extends its congratulations to President Harrison on his victory in last week’s Synod presidential election. We join the church in praying for God’s richest blessings upon him as he carries out his important responsibilities over the next three years. He must work to collaborate with the WHOLE Synod to provide more transparent, fiscally responsible, and trustworthy leadership.
President Harrison, Secretary Sias and the LCMS Board of Directors (BOD) shamefully hid from Synod their true intentions regarding Selma. Newly shared documents and open records from Synod BOD minutes, convention records and the CCM opinions reveal their double-dealing. Selma never had a chance. Could this happen to a Concordia near you?
Harrison’s plan to centralize control of our local Concordias under one President and Board of Regents is a dangerous power-grab. Who gave Harrison and Sias the authority to do this?
In a move that surprised Concordia University Presidents, President Harrison and Secretary Sias will propose the elimination of all Concordia Boards of Regents at the Tampa Convention in 2019. However, President Tom Ries of Concordia, St. Paul, revealed that our Concordia University Presidents are unanimously opposed to Harrison’s plan.