A Prayer for Convention Day Three

Convention Day Three: A Delegate Prayer

A Delegate Prayer for Tuesday

Lord Jesus, You are the Lord of the Christ who loved us to the cross so we may be reconciled with You and with one another.  Through St. Paul, you gave me the responsibility to be an ambassador of reconciliation.  The prayer You modeled for me commands me to forgive others another as You forgave me.  As this convention struggles with issues of conflict in Your Church, help us delegates be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.  Let us hear one another and be strengthened in Your love.

Though it may not have been my Concordia, help me grieve the closing of two more schools.  Give me wisdom to help the LCMS not repeat the errors and failures no one really seems to be willing to investigate, share or explain.  Provide the support only Your comfort and love can bring to workers still seeking positions, the many whose ministries and lives were affected, and the students, families and alumni – all who still grieve.

Yesterday, our convention may not have grieved, but You do.  You comfort the afflicted.  Guide those who desire to move past and forget these, our failures, to have greater compassion for those still experiencing loss.  Remind me that while there are times to rejoice with those who rejoice, I must not avoid Your other mandate to “weep with those who weep,” for in doing so “Love one another” becomes alive in me.

Today, as this convention considers even more challenges, lead all of us by Your Spirit that we may not be quick to judge and slow in mercy.  Use me and all delegates to direct all parties in our Concordia Texas conflict to listen, hear, and work toward reconciliation in Jesus.  Remind me that conflicting reports of fault and blame cannot replace Your Holy Spirit’s call to use peace, not power, to accomplish Your will.  Wrest from my hands the false idols of power and control.  Strengthen my resolve to stand against those who still hold fast to them.

Let me not use the tools of this world to accomplish what only Your Word and Your Holy Spirit can do.  I want to be a child of the light.  I want to follow Jesus.  So make me an instrument of Your peace.  Help me help this convention not replace the work of the fruits of Your Spirit with bylaws, abuses of order and control, and fear.

Help me not be afraid of a broken world but instead take my place and my turn witnessing to it the power of Your love.  You sent me into this world to love it to life in You.  You will protect me and use my witness for Your purposes.  Remind me that You still send Your people to serve in places like our public schools so that the world may still see the witness of Your love in Word and deed.  Help me approve what is excellent, be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, and be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ.  Help me choose from the many good nominees the best men and women who while help our Synod focus on Your love for the world.

Change my heart.  Convince me that in doing this, glory and praise will come to You.  Your will and Your Kingdom will come in me and through me, my words, and my choices.  I pray this in the precious name of Jesus.  Amen.


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