Newman reports the CTX leaders are committed to the confession of the LCMS. Their recent vote is about governance, not leaving.

News from and about our Synod
Newman reports the CTX leaders are committed to the confession of the LCMS. Their recent vote is about governance, not leaving.
Can Synod have national control of Concordias when times are good and local control when Concordias struggle to avoid “ascending liability?” You can’t have it both ways.
In the Nov. 11 statement, Synod leaders questioned the “standing” of CTX BOR to vote for improved local governance. The truth is we all have standing.
Earlier this year, Concordia Texas asked LCMS to discuss a change to a local governance model. After months of delay, they implemented their plan.
COP elects Lee Hagan and Richard Snow as leaders, providing a renewed emphasis on utilizing the God-given diversity of gifts to His Church, a focus on Word-directed decision-making, and collegiality. Their leadership vision reflects it.
Texas District acts to foster fraternal dialogue on important matters of doctrine and practice and responds to the 7-03 proposal.
In his July 11th letter, Delegate Chuck Mueller, Jr., identifies a “drift” away from Synod’s constitutional Article III and Article VII work as the as the culprit bringing anger, apathy and a loss of support for our “covenant of love” in the LCMS. He calls for change and engagement of all voices of Synod as an answer. Read the entire letter and download Congregation’s Matter recommended list of Tampa candidates.
Congregations Matter extends its congratulations to President Harrison on his victory in last week’s Synod presidential election. We join the church in praying for God’s richest blessings upon him as he carries out his important responsibilities over the next three years. He must work to collaborate with the WHOLE Synod to provide more transparent, fiscally responsible, and trustworthy leadership.
Read Pastor Timothy Klinkenberg’s letter to his congregation about the need for “Truth and Light” in our Synod. Maier and Klinkenberg’s nominations totaling 57.4% of all nominations show of support for a change in leadership far greater than Harrison’s support for re-election. Synod is saying: “It’s time for openness and truthfulness in our Synod leadership.”
On late Friday afternoon, February 8, 2019, Matthew C. Harrison publicly admitted interfering in Synod’s Presidential nomination process. What did Harrison do wrong? He tainted Synod’s nomination process by giving wrong advice to pastors about who could nominate him, and he did so at Synod expense.