When Christ brings to our hearts His humility, gentleness, truth and love, we can be used to build up the Community of Believers, His Church.

Essays and Articles by the writing staff of Congregations Matter
When Christ brings to our hearts His humility, gentleness, truth and love, we can be used to build up the Community of Believers, His Church.
The Epiphany story (Matthew 2:6-10) teaches Christians at least three things: we can’t get to Jesus without God’s light leading us – we can’t make sense of where He’s leading us to without Scripture – and we can’t follow the star without moving our feet.
In his July 11th letter, Delegate Chuck Mueller, Jr., identifies a “drift” away from Synod’s constitutional Article III and Article VII work as the as the culprit bringing anger, apathy and a loss of support for our “covenant of love” in the LCMS. He calls for change and engagement of all voices of Synod as an answer. Read the entire letter and download Congregation’s Matter recommended list of Tampa candidates.
On the eve of a presidential election, President Harrison reported good financial news regarding the retirement of some LCMS debt. While some see this as a boon. Others have grave concerns about these reports. President Harrison has reported “zero debt” to the LCMS before. And these new reports fail to mention the ongoing red ink that necessitated the “secret sale” of Hong Kong mission properties.
Where have all the pastors gone? There is a real crisis among us, a pastoral shortage crisis we must face as a Synod. Only 79 pastors were sent to the field this year. Leading in crisis is the Synod President’s job. Congregations wonder why there is no plan from Synod leadership to face this urgent need.
Read Pastor Timothy Klinkenberg’s letter to his congregation about the need for “Truth and Light” in our Synod. Maier and Klinkenberg’s nominations totaling 57.4% of all nominations show of support for a change in leadership far greater than Harrison’s support for re-election. Synod is saying: “It’s time for openness and truthfulness in our Synod leadership.”
On late Friday afternoon, February 8, 2019, Matthew C. Harrison publicly admitted interfering in Synod’s Presidential nomination process. What did Harrison do wrong? He tainted Synod’s nomination process by giving wrong advice to pastors about who could nominate him, and he did so at Synod expense.
Many observe that the LCMS experiences polar swings in leadership each decade. We need a leader who will bring unity to our Synod by fully embracing both our confessional and our missional values.
The Constitution and By-laws of the Synod describe a very important working relationship between the Synod President and District Presidents. Sadly, during the past eight years, President Harrison broke that relationship. It’s time for a change in Synodical leadership.
President Harrison, Secretary Sias and the LCMS Board of Directors (BOD) shamefully hid from Synod their true intentions regarding Selma. Newly shared documents and open records from Synod BOD minutes, convention records and the CCM opinions reveal their double-dealing. Selma never had a chance. Could this happen to a Concordia near you?