Harrison’s plan to centralize control of our local Concordias under one President and Board of Regents is a dangerous power-grab. Who gave Harrison and Sias the authority to do this?

Harrison’s plan to centralize control of our local Concordias under one President and Board of Regents is a dangerous power-grab. Who gave Harrison and Sias the authority to do this?
In a move that surprised Concordia University Presidents, President Harrison and Secretary Sias will propose the elimination of all Concordia Boards of Regents at the Tampa Convention in 2019. However, President Tom Ries of Concordia, St. Paul, revealed that our Concordia University Presidents are unanimously opposed to Harrison’s plan.
Pastor Anthony Steinbronn, President of the New Jersey District, opposes the movement of our Synod toward a church Martin Luther opposed 500 years ago, where all authority is centered in one person and others are authorized to maintain control using the traditions of men rather than the Word of God…ALONE.